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Kanadische Dokumentarfilmer gegen DRM

Die"Documentary Organisation of Canada", der Dachverband der Dokumentarfilmer hat vor wenigen Tagen einen offenen Brief (pdf) an den zuständigen Minister geschickt. Darin sprechen sie sich gegen eine Verschärfung des Urheberrechts, insbesondere durch DRM, aus. Dabei stützen sie auf die überwiegende Mehrheit ihrer Mitglieder.
Canadian documentary filmmakers are increasingly dissatisfied with copyright law. An internal DOC survey, titled Censorship by Copyright (a copy of which we enclose), suggests that 85% of Canadian documentary filmmakers find copyright laws more harmful to them than beneficial. The same survey noted that 82% of documentary filmmakers feel that copyright laws actually discourage them from making documentary films rather than encouraging them.
Sie kommen zum Schluss, ganz wie wir hier bei Kunstfreiheit, dass
As creators and owners of documentary films, we rely on copyright laws not only for protection of our works, but to allow us to access the material we need to create our films. We understand that the Canadian government is considering amendments to the Copyright Act. We regard this development as both an opportunity and a threat: an opportunity, because reform of Canadian copyright laws can do much to improve the plight of documentary filmmakers in Canada; a threat, because some of the legislative proposals we have seen could have profound consequences for documentary filmmakers and our ability to produce documentary films. We call on the Canadian government to adopt balanced copyright policies that reflect the dual needs of documentary filmmakers.


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